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Mycenae, Ancient Corinth, Olympia, Epidauros and other places on the Peloponnese in winter 2015/16

Von Klaus Bötig | 14.November 2015

Most of the archaeological sites and museums on the Peloponnese will be open this winter (till March 31, 2016) from tuesdays to sundays 8-15 hours


In Achaia:

no exceptions


In  Argolida:

Epidauros, Mycenae, Tirynth  daily 8-15


In Arkadien:

Orchomenos Sa/Su closed

Museum Astros closed due to renovation works


In Elis:

Archaeological site of Olympia: Mo 10-17, Tu-Su 8-15

Museum of the history of Olympian Games and of the excavations  Mo 10-17, Tu-Fr 8-15, Sa/Su closed

Archaeological Museum of Pyrgos Sa/Su closed

Apollon-Temple of Bassae Sa/Su closed


In Korinthia:

Arcaeological site and Museum of Ancient Corinth daily 8-15

Archaeological site, Museum and Stadium of  Nema Sa/Su closed

Excavations of Sikyon closed


In Laconia:

Byzantine Geraki closed

Pirgos Tzanetaki and Archaeological  Museum of Neapoli closed


In Messenien:

Archaeological Museum of Ancient Messene Mo 13-20, Tu-Sa 8-20

Archaeological site of Ancient Messene daily 9-16

Palace of Nestor and Archaologcal Museum of Pylos closed

Pirgos of Kardamili Di-Su 9-16


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